
Http2; the Magic Elixir of Performance

This week, we focused on web performance and discussed the many strategies to improving our websites to optimize for a fast user experience. Some of these strategies involved “forcing the browsers hand” or coercing it into downloading resources in a specified order and time—hello preload and async/defer. Historically, the browser exercised full control over how and when resources were downloaded in order to paint pixels to the screen. It would make requests as they came, one at a time and block rendering while it waited on resources it needed from the server.
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Dont Be Such a Render Block

In previous posts, we talked about optimizing our websites to reduce page weight and inadvertently decrease overall page load time. This page load metric, though incredibly important, doesn’t fully take into account the user’s perception of a websites’ performance. At the very least, a user’s goal when visiting a website is to view the page content. As a result, they are more likely attuned to the time it takes for a page to be viewable (first meaningful paint) or usable (time to interactive) rather than on the time it takes for the entire page to load (page load time).
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If You Can Read This Fonts Work

Typography plays a central role in the design, branding, and overall readability of content. On the web, typography is achieved chiefly via webfonts. While the default system/”web-safe” fonts (hello Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif) are a reasonable and incredibly performant strategy for presenting content online, webfonts allow you to customize your typography to create a memorable, and delightful experience for your users. Even so, custom webfonts (as most nice things do) come at a performance cost.
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Video Killed the Web Performance Star

Video is one of the most sought out mediums on the web and is used widely in web page designs today. According to a Cisco report, video constitutes the majority of the world’s internet traffic. In 2017, video was reported to have constituted 75% of all internet traffic and this number is slated to surpass 80% by 2022. This should come as no surprise to most of use, considering the fact that video content is a powerful medium for visual communication and offers a great way to keep users engaged.
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Images Are Worth Optimizing For

Images make up a large portion of a webpage’s payload. According to the HTTP Archive, the average image size has grown almost twofold and now constitute a whopping 63% of total bytes of a webpage. This growth in images on the web has coincided with faster network speeds and growing bandwidth; meaning that loading webpages today has never been faster— for some of us. High network latencies and low bandwidth (mostly over mobile connections) is unfortunately commonplace for a large percentage of the world.
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Weighing in on Page Weight

Early on in my career, when web performance metrics were brought up in conversation, I would take how others reacted to the number as a cue to understanding what those numbers meant (read: I had no idea what those numbers meant). A high number elicited shock and horror, while a low number drew admiration and praise. This could only mean, high page weight bad, low page weight good. Though my naïveté around web performance at the time was a result of my overall lack of experience, it did highlight a point worth considering; the concept of a “page weight” is somewhat of a confusing term especially when seen in isolation.
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Testing With Custom Matchers in Vue

Testing libraries like Jasmine, and Jest often provide conditionals like toBeEqual or toHaveBeenCalledWith to check that a piece of code has an expected outcome. However, more often than not, a project might have a unique set of conditions that it might want to check against that are not included in the vocabulary of a testing library. For example, if you wanted to test that an element in a vue instance had content, you could create a method called hasContent and pass it an element to check whether or not its contents are empty.
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Old to New; Contexts in React 16.3

A couple of days ago, React 16.3 was released. The update brought with it many changes, including an official (recommended for use) Context API that replaces the old (not recommended for use) Context API, a createRef API, and a forwardRef API to name a few. Among the changes introduced in React 16.3, I most anticipated the change to the Context API. Adding Context to Context For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, context is a technique in React used to pass data down from parent to child without having to rely on props.
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An Ode to Vue

A couple of months ago, I made the switch from React to Vue. I had been playing around with Vue for a bit before making the switch and was impressed by how lightweight, and versatile Vue was. Compared to my initial experience learning React (👋 JSX), picking up Vue felt like a breeze. Not only is Vue very well documented, it is also very straighforward and doesn’t require a lot of initial set up to get started.
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New-ish Year, New-ish Blog

Writing more frequently has been one of my commonly unfulfilled new year’s resolutions for the past few years. With this blog finally set up (hurray Hugo!), I’m hoping to finally stick to this year’s goal and write with a little more frequency, one post at a time. I’m a little over a month behind with starting on a new year’s resolution but better late than never! Here’s to new beginnings and more writing in 2018!
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